Rescued Letters

You are my people. Here’s what you told me about the next 12 months.

You are my People

September 11, 2021

You are my People

A few weeks ago I asked you to chime in on how I can serve you better in the coming year by taking a three-minute survey. Here’s what you told me:

How did you hear about The Rescued Letters:

  • 30% of you have done one or more of my Bible studies
  • 23% found me online
  • 15% heard me speak at an event you attended
  • 17% are personal friends and family

What would you like to learn more about from Heather (and yep, there’s some overlap in the answers so the percentages won’t equal 100:)?

  • 72% want more Bible study – I dig it!
  • 43% want general tips on Christian living
  • 32% want to live with courage
  • 27% want cope with anxiety, depression, or chronic illness

A whopping 62% of you are interested in taking bold steps of faith. Your other priorities: understanding the Bible, embracing joy, living like Jesus, finding your purpose, and responding to current events in our world.

And to those of you who so graciously shared your greatest concern for this year, I want you to know that I spent this morning praying over every concern listed in the survey.

1John 4:7

Here’s the deal:

My goal at The Rescued Letters is to help you trust in God, face your greatest fears, and choose life, especially when life presents its most difficult circumstances. To do that, I speak and teach at women’s events, write and teach Bible studies, send encouraging things straight to your inbox, and serve as a regular contributor for LifeWay’s Journey magazine.

Your responses to the survey will help me offer custom messages and resources designed specifically for you. Because you are my people. Your responses also helped confirm that I’m on target with how God is directing me to steward this ministry. My routine prayer for The Rescued Letters is that God would burden my heart with the burdens of the women He has called me to serve. I want all that I do here to live out the answer to that prayer so thank you for helping me serve you in the best way that I can.

Didn’t get a chance to chime in on the survey? No worries, it’s still open. Give me your two or ten cents here.

Thank you so much for your support! I am so very grateful. And I’m rooting for you, always.

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