As we embrace the warmth and beauty of the summer season, it’s the perfect time to gather together and deepen our faith through the study of God’s Word. So I am thrilled to announce that our Summer Sale is BACK! And it’s designed specifically to encourage you to grab your friends and neighbors and to dive into the Bible together.
In this no-fine-print sale, we’re offering 20% off all regular priced items in the entire Rescued Letters store + FREE SHIPPING.
All. Summer. Long.
Want to learn how to live like Jesus in every moment? My Determined study is perfect for you. What about finding hope when you don’t like your story? Renewed gives you a safe space to process your story alongside God’s truth. Is your future looking uncertain? My Ready study helps you find the courage to face the unknown.
Use code SUMMER20 at checkout and dive into God’s Word with me this summer.

Wishing you a summer filled with blessings, growth, and tons of ah-ha moments as you immerse yourself in the study of God’s Word.
I’m rooting for you. Always,