Summer is in full swing and I am loving it.
I retreat inward for much of July to study, breathe, write, rest, and live at a slower pace. July is when I attempt to tangibly live out Mark 6:31..
..he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”
I love how Mark phrases this moment in Jesus’ earthly ministry. The disciples were weary from ministry, but listen carefully how Jesus beckons to them.
Come with me.
By Yourselves.
To a Quiet Place.
And rest.
THIS is sabbath rest: Finding time to be with just Jesus in a place with few distractions so that we might rest and ready ourselves for the coming season. Like the disciples, we always need quiet time away with Him.
What follows after Jesus calls His disciples away is why we must prioritize sabbath rest. A large crowd follows them and the crowd is also weary. And hungry. When the disciples ask Jesus to send the people away, He directs them to feed the people. You feed them.
Of course, we know from this story of Jesus feeding the five-thousand that in His miraculous provision, He supplies all the food that is needed. All He asks of His disciples is to rest with Him and then show up for what He knows is coming next.
Last week, I challenged you to intentionally engage in a spiritual discipline that would tether you closer to Jesus. Let me encourage you to continue in that effort, whichever discipline you chose. This is why. We must prioritize time with Jesus, Because in just a short while, we’ll be asked to show up and do the impossible.
Lucky for us, all things are possible with Jesus. Or as the Vacation Bible School crew at my church last week proclaimed: Following Jesus changes the game.
Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths. – Psalm 25:4
So take some time to rest this month, even if it’s just for a few minutes each day. I’ll be right there with you, resting and then ready to show up when Jesus says you feed them…you love them…you serve them.
Lord, we will be ready because we rest in You.
I’m rooting for you,