No Dusty Bibles

Six Tips for Memorizing Scripture

September 13, 2021

We’re reading through Deuteronomy this month in my Bible reading community and one word that keeps showing up is remember. The book of Deuteronomy is a continuation of the Israelites’ journey toward the Promised Land. In it, Moses gives them a giant pep talk on how to love God well and a reminder of the laws they needed to continue to obey Him.

The book of Deuteronomy reveals that God wants us to be intentional about remembering:

  • when He speaks to us
  • when we were slaves to sin
  • what He has done for us in the past
  • who He is
  • our tendency to rebel and our need for forgiveness
  • fellow sojourners of the faith

Remembering these things will help us remain faithful to Him in the future. But it won’t happen by accident. So here are six tangible ways to practice the art of remembering Scripture:

  1. Keep a journal of what God is teaching you through His Word, what He has done for you in the past, and prayers that He has answered.
  2. Find an accountability partner to share your faith journey.
  3. Write out the Scripture that you are reading. There is something about the simple practice of writing by hand what I am reading that helps me remember it better. Try it and see if it works for you!
  4. Print out sections of Scripture and take them with you wherever you go this week.
  5. Write important verses on note cards and hang them in your home.
  6. Consider a temporary tattoo – ha! Yes, this is an actual tip. I shared an example of this in the video above, but I am currently loving my monthly subscription to Dwell Differently, which sends temporary tattoo designs to help you memorize Scripture. 

What would you add to this list? Let me know by leaving a comment below.

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  1. Lisa Barnett says:

    Love your list. I found an app called VerseLocker and that’s a great add as it helps you with remembering scriptures through a few repetitive methods. Also, this week I’m with my father n law and I wrote out 2 cards. One for me and one for him. I told him it was for him to help me memorize, but I am also trying to help him as well! ❤️ It’s working for me!!!

    • Heather says:

      I love your tip! My women’s ministry group at my home church is working on Scripture memory tools this Sunday and I am passing Verse Locker on to them! And I adore that you are working on scripture memory with your father-in-law:) Hugs!

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