
A Prayer for the Anxious Heart

A Prayer for the Anxious Heart - FI - 800x400 |

October 14, 2016

James 5:16 - Twitter |

Welcome to Day 14 of 31 Days of Battling Anxiety with Biblical Truth! If we want to see victory over our battle with anxiety, prayer has got to be part of our strategy. For the days when you are at a loss for words or for the days when you are praying for a friend battling with anxiety, here’s a prayer for the anxious heart.

Dear Lord,


I am coming before you to cast my cares on you because I know you care for me. I am weary. I am tired of anticipating my life with fear. I am tired of living in constant tension. I am tired of worrying about                              and                            and                             .


Help me to see that there is another way. Help me to tangibly feel your love for me today. Would you remind me how valuable I am to you? Would you remind me that your breath sustains my life? Would you remind me that you provide for every single one of my needs? And would you remind me that my life has purpose here on earth?


Open my eyes to see your blessings. Give me a thankful heart, one that refuses to see anything but the good gifts with which you surround me. Settle my awareness in the present moment, so that I can see and remember your great goodness around me.


I release my worries to you because I know you are strong enough to carry them all. Lord, help me know and love Jesus more and more. I am ready to live my life to the fullest. And I know the only way to do that is to place my trust in the One who comes to give me a full life. I trust you, Lord. I trust you, Jesus.



Praying for each of you reading this so fiercely today. Join me tomorrow for a free download to help you on those anxious nights.

Until then, carry on warriors.


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