
It’s a Giveaway! Free Psalm 46:10, Be Still and Know Canvas Art

Be Still and Know - FI |

October 7, 2016

Be Still and Know That I Am God - FB Post |

Last weekend, I attended an arts and crafts show at my church. Y’all. There were so many pretty things there. If I had been smart about it, I would have brought my entire Christmas shopping list, but news flash: I am not a planner when it comes to Christmas shopping. I wish I was, but it’s just not going to happen.

Here’s what did happen though: I met Heather Russell of Christ Through Canvas. She’s a local artist with a heart for Christ and I just adored her work. So I bought one of her paintings for me and one of them for you.

So much of what we are doing in this series is taking what we know from the Bible and settling it in our hearts so that we can simply still our anxiety. Sure, I’m going to post something here every day for 31 days, but at the heart of it, all we are doing this month can be summed up with this:

Know. And be still.

We want to trust that what the Bible tells us about ourselves and about our God is true. To trust that He does not want you to live in anxiety. And trust that He has given us these Biblical truths so that we have a way to fight back when our heart rate starts to spike.

But sometimes, we need a visual reminder of all these things. And Psalm 46:10 just cuts right to the chase. Be still, girl. And know that God is God and He loves you and He is in control.

This giveaway has ended. Drat!

Be Still and Know Giveaway |

So today, I am giving away this beautiful canvas painting done by Heather at Christ Through Canvas (which is not currently available on her Etsy shop, btw).

Here’s how to enter the giveaway in two easy steps:

  1. Subscribe to The Rescued Letters below. (Bonus, you’ll also get my free 14 Days to a Courageous Heart devotional when you subscribe.) If you’ve already subscribed, woot! Just go right on ahead to step two.
  2. Comment below and tell me either your favorite post from this series so far or tell me something God has been teaching you as you drop-kick anxiety this week.



I’ll leave the giveaway open through Sunday, October 9th, at midnight and I’ll announce the winner and contact them via email next Monday. Yay!

I love you guys and am praying for each of you throughout this month.

Until tomorrow, carry on warriors.


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  1. Katie says:

    I LOVE your post about God’s breath within us! One of my favorite words to meditate on is ‘Inspiration’–naming that the instant we feel most alive, is also a recognition that we are propelled by the breath (the Spirit) of God.

  2. Adele says:

    Heather, I can’t thank you enough for this series. It’s powerful stuff and I struggle to pick just one way God is speaking to me through it! I loved the reminder that every breath is from God and was struck by just how many of the bible verses about breath were from the book of Job. So encouraging to have those words from a man who had lost everything and yet still praised God.

    • Heather says:

      Adele, I had the exact same thought – look at how many of these verses are from the book of Job! It really helps solidify that the breath is indeed a powerful tool to help us through affliction. And get this, there were more about the breath from Job…I just didn’t include them all in this post. There is some good truth there just waiting to be explored. So glad you are enjoying this series! Praying that God will bless you richly as we battle anxiety together.

  3. Mary Ann Potts says:

    Day 4 really spoke to me! THE Power behind the breath! I have used the imagery you painted so beautifully, many times this week! Starting a new job, disappointments, world/enemy telling lies, ….. all the situations that can cause anxiety. Thank you for the reminder of His Power behind the breath. His Resuscitation!

    • Heather says:

      Yes, the enemy does want anxiety to swarm all around us in all situations, but I rejoice with you that God has given us many tools to repel it. There is power in the breath!

  4. Shelby says:

    My favorite post so far has been, “A Playlist of Praise for Battling Anxiety!” I’ve found that praising God is one of the best ways for me to deal with anxiety because it changes my focus from my worries to God’s truths and promises! I also really loved your post, The Real Power Behind Breath, “The real power behind the breath is that God is in control.” Thank you for not only encouraging us to steep ourselves in God’s Word, truth, and promises, but sharing tools we can use daily!

  5. Tracey Walls says:

    Love reading your messages each day! What I have learned/am learning about dealing with worry, heartache and anxiety is that it is essential that I choose to be thankful and praise God in all circumstances. Forcing myself to stop and deliberately list everything I have to be thankful for refocuses my heart and mind and helps to calm my spirit. When I remember all that God has blessed me with, the negative feelings tend to slip away, overshadowed by His love, mercy and grace.

    One of my favorite stories of thankfulness in the face of unimaginable challenges is Corrie Ten Boon’s story of the fleas. I am attaching a link to the excerpt from her book, The Hiding Place. If you haven’t read it…go get it! It is one of my all-time favorites. Here’s the link:

    I am so thankful for your stand for God! Love and hugs!!!

    • Heather says:

      Gosh, that’s good, Tracey! A thankful heart is a happy heart. I can’t wait to read the story of the fleas! Thank you for sharing that here! Love and husg right back at ya!

  6. Elaine Junge says:

    Heather, I love your series! God keeps talking to me about being still. I’m a slow learner, but gaining understanding each and every day! “But true wisdom and power are found in God; counsel and understanding are his.” If only, I am still and listen!

    • Heather says:

      Thanks, Elaine! I love that quote! Learning to be still is hard! But the rewards are great if we can still ourselves enough to hear His voice. Blessings to you as we battle anxiety together!

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