
Four Bible Studies to Help You Battle Anxiety

Four Bible Studies to Help you Battle Anxiety |

February 9, 2017

Proverbs 12:25 - IG |

When it comes to battling anxiety, the deeper I go into God’s Word the easier it is to swing the sword. An in-depth Bible study might be just what you need to go from victim to victor. I have personally completed all of these studies and each one of them helped me step forward in my faith and live more courageously.

These studies are guaranteed to help you conquer your battle with anxiety.

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Breaking Free, by Beth Moore

Breaking Free Bible StudyI went through this Bible study on Isaiah 61 just after a time of spiritual darkness and I still turn to it for reminders of the truth. My worn and tattered workbook pages speak for themselves. To say that this study changed my faith, my perspective on life, and my ability to cope with anxiety is an understatement. This is, hands down, my top recommendation for Bible studies on anxiety. I have followed Beth Moore since 2003 and she is one of my favorite Bible teachers. You are guaranteed to learn from her. This in-depth study includes 10 weeks of personal, daily assignments and viewer guides for 11 sessions.

If that much depth sounds intimidating, you can check out the Breaking Free book that covers the same themes from the Bible study, but without the daily assignments. I’ve read that too and highly recommend it.

Get the Breaking Free Study Member Book

Armor of God, by Priscilla Shirer

Armor of God | www.therescuedletters.comIt had been almost three months since my ruptured carotid artery surgery and I still had not been cleared to drive yet. Most days consisted of me sitting by the window and trying not to lose my mind. Enter my next door neighbor, who invited me to join a a new women’s Bible study group meeting at her house. I immediately agreed to come without knowing what day or time we would be meeting. The Armor of God study was the first study we did together, but it certainly hasn’t been the last. This 7-session study walks you through Ephesians 6, helping you to recognize attacks from the enemy and equipping you with a personalized strategy for combating them.

I still refer to my notes from this study often. It’s practical suggestions offer tangible solutions for overcoming anxiety, or any other hardship you may be facing.

Get The Armor of God Study Member Book

Breathe, by Priscilla Shirer

Breathe | www.therescuedletters.comBreathe was the second study that I went through with my Bible study group next door. We did this study in the Spring, when end-of-the-school-year madness starts to ensue. Intentionally not nearly as in-depth as the previously-mentioned studies, Breathe is a lesson in the Sabaath and how to make space for it in your own life. Lacking the daily “homework” assignments that you might find in a typical study, Breathe is organized more like a journal, allowing you time and space to meditate on what you are learning about God’s call for rest. The video sessions are short and easy to fit into a busy week. Because I think that rest and margin and self-care and intimacy with God are all vital to any anxiety-battling strategy, this study is perfect for anyone who needs the space to find those things.

Get the Breathe Study Member Book

Ready: Finding the Courage to Face the Unknown, by Heather Dixon (that’s me – eek!)

Ready: Finding the Courage to Face the Unknown | A Six-Week Bible Study on Joshua | www.therescuedletters.comI was on my back porch when God told me to get ready. I didn’t audibly hear those words, of course, but sometimes God places thoughts in our minds that simply can’t be ignored. And the warning to get ready was just exactly one of those thoughts.

Wanting to confirm what I was hearing with God’s Word, I turned to the first time those two words appeared in the Bible. Where we find them is in the book of Joshua, when God tells Joshua to get ready, because he is about to lead the Israelites across a flooding Jordan River into their Promised Land.

I spent the next several weeks studying the first five chapters of Joshua, and two months later I would suffer a miscarriage, two aneurysms, and a carotid artery rupture. I would also be diagnosed with Vascular Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, a genetic connective tissue disorder making my blood vessels, arteries, and organs prone to spontaneous rupture.

It was the truths in those first five chapters of Joshua that helped me stay steady through those scary unknowns. And after we processed the ramifications of all that had happened, I began to wonder…how much ground are we losing because we simply are not ready for what life on this broken earth throws at us? Are we willing to be as prepared in our spiritual life as we are for everything else? What if we could find the courage to readily face whatever falls upon our path?

The unknown beckons for all of us. But it doesn’t have to be paralyzing. The answer to finding the courage to face it victoriously is found in the book of Joshua, and that’s why I’ve written this six-week Bible study. It’s God’s plan for the woman who knows the battle is coming, but refuses to leave the front line. The good news is that the wisdom found in Joshua will prepare you for the battle, but it will also prepare you for the blessing. And you’ll find the courage to face the unknown.

Get the Ready Study Member Workbook

Find more information about the Ready study here.

Have you done any of these studies? If so, let me (and anyone reading in the comments) know how they helped you battle anxiety.

Until next time, carry on warriors.

Four Bible Studies to Help You Battle Anxiety | When it comes to battling anxiety, the deeper I go into God’s Word the easier it is to swing the sword. An in-depth Bible study might be just what you need to go from victim to victor. I have personally completed all of these studies and each one of them helped me step forward in my faith and live more courageously. | #biblestudy #anxiety #bethmoore #priscillashirer #readystudy |

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  1. I cannot wait for your study! I’m ready for it!!! 😉 😉 love ya lady!

  2. Tina says:

    So excited to start your study ! ❤️ Tina Funke

  3. Christy says:

    Heather, I bought your Ready Bible Study to do with my 17 year old daughter who struggles with anxiety but it just wasn’t the right time for her to do it. I ended up doing it by myself and I am so glad I did! It was absolutely one of my all time favorite studies that I want to do again with my daughter when the time is right for her. Thank you for sharing your heart and helping us journey through this time with Joshua!

  4. Marisa Huffman says:

    I did the breaking free Bible study by myself during a time of PTSD after having my first child. it really helped me see that some of the things I had been taught in church growing up were not scriptural and really hindered my walk with God. and those revelations helped me to slowly heal.

    • Hannah Arneth says:

      Thank you for sharing your experience! It’s incredible to hear how the Breaking Free Bible study helped you navigate through a challenging time and brought clarity to aspects of your faith. Blessings to you as you continue walking with God.

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