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at The Rescued Letters Collective

Here we delve deep into the Word, offering insights, reflections, and personal stories that bridge the gap between Scripture and everyday life. It's a dedicated space for women to find hope, understanding, and relatability in the midst of their unique journeys, all rooted in Biblical truths.

Inspiration for a faithful life


8 Tips for Grounding When You Are Anxious - FI - 800x400 | www.therescuedletters.com
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8 Tips for Grounding Yourself When You Are Anxious

Ground yourself. Live in the moment. Be present. These are ultra-hip words used often by yogis, pumpkin spice latte drinkers, unwashed and messy-bun wearers, deep breathers, and observers of the world. To be clear: I’m not hating. I just described myself. To ground yourself is simply a fancy way of saying get out of your […]

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Taking the Fear Out of the Unknown - FI - 800x400 | www.therescuedletters.com

Welcome to Day 12 of Battling Anxiety with Biblical Truth! Last week we let the sparrows remind us that our lives have value and the breath remind us that God sustains us with each inhale. And yesterday we left ourselves considering the lilies. We are well on our way to battling anxiety with Biblical truth […]

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Consider the Lilies: A Reminder of God's Provision | www.therescuedletters.com

28 And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, 29 yet I tell you,even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. 30 But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown […]

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A Powerful Tool for Prayer - FI - 800x400 | www.therescuedletters.com

The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with. James 5:16 Y’all. The most adorable thing just happened as I was writing this post. Last week, I hosted a giveaway for a Psalm 46:10/Be Still and Know canvas painting.  You didn’t know this when I hosted the giveaway, […]

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A Playlist for Battling Anxiety - FI - 800x400 | www.therescuedletters.com

Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again–my Savior and my God! -Psalm 43:5 Music has always been an important part of how I express myself. I was a chorus nerd in high school, where I also sang in a barbershop […]

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Be Still and Know - FI | www.therescuedletters.com

Last weekend, I attended an arts and crafts show at my church. Y’all. There were so many pretty things there. If I had been smart about it, I would have brought my entire Christmas shopping list, but news flash: I am not a planner when it comes to Christmas shopping. I wish I was, but […]

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10 Bible Verses That Prove God's Breath is Within You - FB - 1200x630 | www.therescuedletters.com

Welcome to Day 6 of 31 Days of Battling Anxiety with Biblical Truth! Breath. Life. Value. This is where we have begun our series on battling anxiety. The Bible tells us that our life has value. And the very thing that affirms your life, your breath, also helps calm your anxiety. We can compare notes […]

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The No Dusty Bibles Podcast

Helping you hit the easy button for making Scripture a part of your everyday life.

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Our Services

The Rescued Letters Collective is a united front of Christian ministries with a shared vision: to help women everywhere cultivate a richer faith. 

what we do

Professional dry shampoo user who loves the Bible, total Disney nerd with an overdue library account. Laundry is not my spiritual gift. 

Diagnosed with an incurable genetic disorder that I inherited from my mom, I know what it's like living with a story that is not easy. I've got a slew of major medical events in my chart. Oh and my doctors tell me that my life expectancy with vEDS is 48. So there’s that.

But there's also this...

About me

Seeking a dose of hope, inspiration, and Biblical wisdom delivered right to your inbox? You're in the right place!


Daily doses of faith-filled wisdom, Bible study snippets, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of women's ministry in action.