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at The Rescued Letters Collective

Here we delve deep into the Word, offering insights, reflections, and personal stories that bridge the gap between Scripture and everyday life. It's a dedicated space for women to find hope, understanding, and relatability in the midst of their unique journeys, all rooted in Biblical truths.

Inspiration for a faithful life


Jesus Comes to Give US Abundant Life - FI - 800x400 | www.therescuedletters.com
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Jesus Comes to Give Us Abundant Life

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Anxiety Warrior: You Are Not Alone - FI - 800x400 | www.therescuedletters.com

In the first week of our series on Battling Anxiety with Biblical Truth, I mentioned that the knowledge that God is in control was usually enough to settle my anxiety. But what about the days when that’s not enough? Because let me assure you, those days do happen. The good news is that you are […]

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The Option to Choose Life - FI - 800x400 | www.therescuedletters.com

I don’t think I can do this, Lord. I sat by the window, listening to the crepe myrtle branches scrape the pane. This is where I had slept, where I had started and finished each day, and where I had watched the world hustle by me for the past few months. I hope to never […]

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A Word About What We Expect From Life - FI - 800x400 | www.therescuedletters.com

It’s day 18 of 31. We’re in the thick of this thing now. Yesterday, we looked at 15 (actually, it was 16) Bible verses that prove God has plans for your life. So. God has plans for your life. What does that have to do with anxiety? Life is a given until it isn’t. -Amanda […]

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This post originally appeared as Day 17 of 31 Days of Battling Anxiety with Biblical Truth, but however you are joining here today, I’m so glad you are here. And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life –Matthew 6:27 God has plans. From the very beginning […]

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Free, Downloadable Bible Verses To Ease Bedtime Anxiety - FI - 800x400 | www.therescuedletters.com

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things. -Philippians 4:8 A few months ago, I set a new habit for myself. I had read some material on how the brain stores and recalls […]

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A Prayer for the Anxious Heart - FI - 800x400 | www.therescuedletters.com

Welcome to Day 14 of 31 Days of Battling Anxiety with Biblical Truth! If we want to see victory over our battle with anxiety, prayer has got to be part of our strategy. For the days when you are at a loss for words or for the days when you are praying for a friend […]

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The No Dusty Bibles Podcast

Helping you hit the easy button for making Scripture a part of your everyday life.

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The Rescued Letters Collective is a united front of Christian ministries with a shared vision: to help women everywhere cultivate a richer faith. 

what we do

Professional dry shampoo user who loves the Bible, total Disney nerd with an overdue library account. Laundry is not my spiritual gift. 

Diagnosed with an incurable genetic disorder that I inherited from my mom, I know what it's like living with a story that is not easy. I've got a slew of major medical events in my chart. Oh and my doctors tell me that my life expectancy with vEDS is 48. So there’s that.

But there's also this...

About me

Seeking a dose of hope, inspiration, and Biblical wisdom delivered right to your inbox? You're in the right place!


Daily doses of faith-filled wisdom, Bible study snippets, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of women's ministry in action.