Rescued Letters

An Invitation From the Deepest Corners of My Heart.

An Invitation From the Deepest Corners of My Heart.

August 5, 2023

Today, I reach out to you with an invitation that comes from the deepest corners of my heart. This is a call to join us in prayer for this ministry, a request that we do not take lightly. 

I say this often - you are one of the ways God rescues me. Because of God's goodness, I get to show up with you every single day. Whether it's writing devotionals and Bible studies, speaking at women's events, teaching online, encouraging you to keep your Bible dust-free or even crafting social media posts, I am so grateful to be doing these things with you.

Prayer Changes Things!

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for being a member of The Rescued Letters community.

I say this often – you are one of the ways God rescues me. Because of God’s goodness, I get to show up with you every single day. Whether it’s writing devotionals and Bible studies, speaking at women’s events, teaching online, encouraging you to keep your Bible dust-free or even crafting social media posts, I am so grateful to be doing these things with you.

So I want to bring you to work with me.     

Today, I reach out to you with an invitation that comes from the deepest corners of my heart. This is a call to join us in prayer for this ministry, a request that we do not take lightly. 

Prayer Changes Things 

Seven years ago, I was in an pre-op room waiting on the second surgery to repair my ruptured carotid artery. Inexplicably, and to the bafflement of the medical professionals in charge of my care, my digital medical record vanished from the hospital’s network. My surgeon would not proceed without it, so I was left in limbo for several hours while the IT department scrambled to resolve the issue. During this time, my husband left my side to to update my sister-in-law, who was managing all communications related to my surgery. Upon hearing the news, she swiftly dispatched an urgent prayer request to our family and friends. Also, unknown to me at the time, a group of college students we knew were circling the entire hospital, offering silent prayers as they walked and requesting divine intervention for my impending operation.

Soon, without any logical explanation, my medical record reappeared in the system. I was wheeled back into the operating room and my life-saving surgery was underway.

I am living proof that prayer changes things. Which is why I don’t want to step into any season of ministry without it.

Colossians 4:2 Devote yourselves to prayer being watchful and thankful.

How to Pray for us in August

Colossians 4:2 tells us to continue steadfastly in prayer. My team and I pray regularly for you. We pray that God would reveal Himself to you, that you would draw closer to Jesus in every day, that you would have a hunger for God’s Word, and that you would know with certainly how very much He loves you. If you message us with a specific prayer request, we pray for you right then and again when we gather for our weekly prayer meeting. 

It is a joy and privilege to whisper your name to our Heavenly Father. And if the Holy Spirit places The Rescued Letters on your heart, we ask that you might do the same for us.

How to pray for us in August.

This month, we covet your specific prayers for these things:

  • On August 17-18, my team and I will meet for our annual Vision Days, where we tweak any plans for the remainder of the year and strategically consider how God might use us in 2024 to advance His will. Would you pray for wisdom and discernment on these days?
  • On August 22, I am speaking to local business owners about our ministry operations. This is not a faith-based event. Would you pray that what I share might spark an interest in Jesus for those who do not know Him, and also that God would grant me boldness in sharing my faith with these friends?
  • During the last two weeks of August, we are batch recording online teachings, videos, and social media content. Would you pray that these offerings would serve as a light in the often dark world of the internet?
  • And finally, I am working on several writing projects this month: devotions for Lifeway’s Journey magazine, reworks for my Ready study, and macro edits for my next Bible study. Would you pray for God’s wisdom and clarity, productive time management, and an ear for the Holy Spirit as I work on these projects?

A Million Times, Thank You

Thank you for being here. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve and encourage you along your faith journey. I am so very thankful.

One last question if you’re still here: for our upcoming Ask Heather series, what’s one thing you wish you knew or understood about the Bible? Hit reply and let me know.

I am rooting for you, always.

Heather Signature

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