
A Playlist of Praise for Battling Anxiety

October 8, 2016

Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again–my Savior and my God!

-Psalm 43:5

Music has always been an important part of how I express myself. I was a chorus nerd in high school, where I also sang in a barbershop quartet and was always the first to audition for school and community musical theater productions. I majored in music (voice and harp) in college. I also led worship for Intervarsity Christian Fellowship during my undergrad days. I’ve taught children’s choir, elementary music, and preschool music and movement. Music is just a part of my soul, but I imagine that is true of anyone, whether you have a Bachelor of Music behind your name or not.

Music has the ability to evoke emotion, articulate a feeling, and change your perspective quicker than any other thing I know. Perhaps this is why the Bible often prescribes praise as a treatment for apprehension. When I am anxious, I often turn to worship music to soothe my soul.

Psalm 150:6 - IG |

So for the eighth day of our series on Battling Anxiety with Biblical Truth, I’m sharing a playlist with you filled with some of my favorite soothing songs. It includes the version of His Eye Is On The Sparrow that I mentioned a few days ago and played for Thomas when he was a baby. Most the songs on this playlist are definitely on the “chill” side…perfect for listening while you practice our belly breath in moments of anxiety.

I’ve listed the songs here, but if you are on Spotify I’ve also linked to the playlist there below. Enjoy!

  1. His Eye Is On The Sparrow, Kate Conlon
  2. Breathe, Christian Life Assembly
  3. Be Still My Soul/What a Friend, Selah
  4. Fill Me Up, United Pursuit Band
  5. Alive, All Son and Daughters
  6. Hallelujah, Bethany Dillon
  7. Be Still, The Fray
  8. Restless, Audrey Assad
  9. It is Well, Kristine Dimarco/Bethel Music
  10. Power to Redeem, Lauren Daigle
  11. Oh Draw Me Lord, Selah
  12. Praise You in the Storm (acoustic), Casting Crowns
  13. Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace), Hillsong Worship
  14. I Am Not Alone, Kari Jobe
  15. I Will Rise, Chris Tomlin

I’ll see you tomorrow, but because tomorrow is a Sunday, my post will be light (read: no words). Wishing each of you a restful weekend, grounded in the knowledge that you are carried by a God who loves you more than we could ever fathom.

Also, don’t forget to enter my giveaway for the Psalm 46:10/Be Still canvas painting if you haven’t already!

Until tomorrow, carry on warriors.

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  1. Denise Pass says:

    Love your song list! 🙂

  2. Adele says:

    Oooh lots of great songs (especially “Praise You in this Storm”!) and some I don’t know but am looking forward to listening to! Thank you for sharing. Two of my “go to” songs are oldies but goodies. “Small Enough” by Nicole Nordeman and “If You Want Me To” by Ginny Owens.

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