Called & Equipped

So You Want to Teach the Bible? Here’s Where to Start!

October 4, 2024

Do you feel a nudge to teach God’s Word but wonder if you’re qualified? Maybe you’re worried you won’t know enough, or you’re just not sure where to begin. Let me encourage you, friend: if you have a passion for sharing the hope of Scripture, that’s a great place to start.

Teaching the Bible isn’t about having all the answers. It’s about faithfully handling God’s Word and helping others see the beauty of His truth. The reality is, every single Bible teacher—from the most experienced to the brand new—started somewhere. They started with a desire to see God’s Word come alive for others, and they took one step at a time. If you’re standing at that starting line, wondering how to take that first step, I’m here to help.

Feeling Unqualified? You’re Not Alone

One of the biggest roadblocks I hear from women is the feeling of inadequacy. Maybe you’ve thought, “Who am I to teach the Bible?” You’re not alone in that. But remember, God’s call to teach isn’t based on our credentials—it’s based on His. He equips those He calls. Your willingness to serve is what He’s after. The rest? We can build together.

When you partner with me in my coaching series, Scripture in Action: Equip, Teach, and Inspire, we’ll tackle those insecurities head-on. Through this six-session program, I’ll help you build a solid foundation in understanding and communicating God’s Word, giving you both the confidence and competence to step into your calling. It’s about nurturing the skills you already have and adding tools to your teaching toolkit.

So, What Does It Take?

Good news: you don’t have to be a Bible scholar. You do need a humble heart, a desire to learn, and a willingness to lean into God’s guidance. Together, we’ll unpack how to study the Bible deeply, turn what you’ve learned into effective teachings, and make God’s Word accessible to others—whether you’re speaking to a group, writing a Bible study, or creating devotionals.

With each session in the Scripture in Action coaching series, you’ll walk away with tangible skills:

  • Personal Bible Study: Learn to immerse yourself in Scripture, gain clarity, and understand how to break down difficult passages.
  • Best Practices for Teaching: Discover techniques that make the Bible come alive for others.
  • Building Your Message: Create an intentional statement of faith that shapes your teachings and refines your voice.
  • Understanding Different Formats: Learn to adapt your content for devotionals, small groups, or large gatherings.

Take the First Step with Confidence

The most important thing to remember? You don’t have to figure this all out alone. If you’re tired of staring at a blank page or feeling overwhelmed when preparing a Bible study, let’s connect. My heart is to equip you, cheer you on, and see you thrive as a Bible teacher. I’ll meet you where you are and help you take that next step with confidence.

If you feel that spark to teach but just don’t know where to go from here, I’d love to journey alongside you. Book a discovery call with me today, and let’s talk about how we can equip you to faithfully fulfill your calling. Because teaching God’s Word isn’t just for the seasoned experts—it’s for anyone who’s willing to say “yes” to the call.

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