Recently I’ve been reading through the stories of six women in the Bible, some who trusted God well and some who struggled with it. The goal? To change my prayers from this thing is really stressing me out to I trust you, Jesus.
I love these women’s stories so much because they are just like us. Their choice to trust God wasn’t always black and white. Sometimes they nailed it and other times they didn’t, but every time, God was gracious with them just like He is with us.
Here are six quick snippets of wisdom I am gleaning from these women of the Bible:
- The enemy’s priority is to make us question God’s truth.
Eve (Genesis 1:26-31, Genesis 2-3) - Trusting God is a fast-track to leaving a powerful legacy. Rahab (Joshua 2:1-21, Joshua 6:17-25, Matthew 1:5, Hebrews 11:31)
- Trusting God gives birth to true joy. Sarah (Genesis 18:1-15, Genesis 21:1-7)
- Humility is a prerequisite for trust. Mary, Mother of Jesus (Luke 1:26-80)
- When we are hurting, Jesus is always working behind the scenes to bring us hope. Mary of Bethany (Luke 10:38-42, John 11:1-44)
- Pure trust prompts us to rely on Jesus’ power. The Bleeding Woman (Matthew 9:20-22, Mark 5:25-34, Luke 8:40-48)
My favorite story so far?
Mary of Bethany – All she could see was that her brother Lazarus had died. She didn’t know that Jesus was on His way, but He was. He always is.
Maybe we can’t see it. Maybe we can’t figure out His plan just yet. But He’s got one. And it’s good.

Here’s mine:
Trusting God brings deep peace. I’ve spent this week changing all of my prayers to three simple words: I trust you. I’ve said it even when I’m not sure I mean it.
Here’s the good news – it has brought me peace. In His gracious and mysterious way, Jesus is taking my prayers of trust and giving them back in peace.
Maybe you need that peace today too. If so, try it now:
In this INSERT HARD THING HERE, I trust you
I’m saying the same prayer along with you. And I’m rooting for you, always.
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