My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. – 2 Corinthians 12:9
As the survivor of an incurable genetic disorder, I know all too well that living with a chronic illness can feel like carrying an invisible burden—one that’s heavy, persistent, and often misunderstood by others. The day-to-day challenges of managing symptoms, medications, and doctor visits can leave you feeling exhausted and discouraged. It’s in moments like these that the question inevitably arises: Where is God in all of this pain?
The apostle Paul, who endured his own suffering, understood this question well. In 2 Corinthians 12, he shares how he pleaded with God to remove a “thorn in the flesh.” Though we don’t know exactly what Paul’s thorn was, we do know it was a constant source of pain and frustration for him. Despite his repeated prayers, God’s answer was not to remove the thorn but to assure Paul of something even greater: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”
In this, Paul learned a valuable lesson—God’s grace is enough, even in suffering. He discovered that when he was at his weakest, God’s power was most clearly displayed. This truth is one that those of us with chronic illness need to hear again and again: even when healing doesn’t come in the way we expect or desire, God is still good, and His grace is more than enough to carry us through.
Chronic illness has a way of making you feel limited and frustrated, especially when you long to serve and live fully but feel held back by your body. Yet, in these limitations, God’s presence becomes all the more tangible. He meets you in your pain, not with condemnation for your weakness but with compassion and love.
His grace sustains you when you can’t sustain yourself.
I also want to remind you that chronic illness does not define your worth or your purpose. You are not less valuable to God because of your limitations. In fact, Scripture shows us time and again that God delights in using those who feel weak to accomplish His purposes. Think of Moses, who doubted his ability to lead because of his speech. Or Gideon, who questioned why God would use someone from the weakest clan. God doesn’t require physical strength or perfection to use you for His glory—He simply requires a willing heart.
God can and does work through your illness to show His goodness and power. Whether it’s through the encouragement you offer others, the prayers you lift up, or the quiet faithfulness with which you endure your struggles, God is at work. Your life is a testimony of His sustaining grace, even in the midst of pain.
Trusting God’s goodness in chronic illness doesn’t mean pretending the pain isn’t real. It means acknowledging the hardship while also trusting that God’s purposes for your life are still good, even when you can’t see the full picture. It means holding onto the promise that He is with you, giving you strength for each day.
Father, thank You for Your grace that is sufficient for me, even when I am weak. Help me to trust in Your goodness and purpose for my life, despite the pain of chronic illness. Remind me daily that Your power is made perfect in my weakness and that You are with me every step of the way. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
How does knowing that God’s power is made perfect in your weakness change your perspective on your chronic illness? Take time to journal about the ways God has sustained you, even in your hardest moments.
I’m rooting for you, always.
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Related Resources:
- Renewed: Finding Hope When You Don’t Like Your Story, a four-week Bible study on the book of Ruth by Heather M. Dixon. Glean wisdom from Naomi’s perspective, a woman who lived a story she didn’t choose or like. Forced to chart a new path as she mourned the loss of her husband and two sons, Naomi learned that the journey from bitterness to renewed hope and joy was rooted in God’s promise of redemption. With insight from her own journey of living with a story that is not easy, Heather teaches women to flourish even as they live hard stories through a willingness to trust that God can transform them and trade their heartache for hope. They will learn to rely on God’s movement in the details of their story, even when it can’t be seen, gain confidence to act in the part of their stories that they can change, and watch expectantly for God to redeem the parts they can’t.
- Suffering Is Never for Nothing, by Elisabeth Elliott. Renowned author Elisabeth Elliot delves into the purpose of suffering in this powerful book. Rooted in her personal trials, she shows that God doesn’t waste pain and invites readers to find hope, meaning, and strength amid hardship.
- Framed Wall Art with 2 Corinthians 12:9-10. Keep God’s promise visible with this beautifully crafted wall art. Featuring the verse, “My grace is sufficient for you,” it’s a reminder of God’s unending grace, perfect for adding hope and encouragement to any space in your home.
- Chronic Pain Journaling Page, from The Rescued Letters Collective. A printable journal page to help you pray through days when you are struggling with chronic pain.