From the backseat, I listened to her sweet laughter free itself from a wide grin. My other friend in the driver’s seat joined in the giggling as they recounted memories we had just made together on a girls’ weekend getaway.
We have been friends for over twenty years, although I wouldn’t call us friends. We like to call ourselves sisters of the heart, because that’s exactly what we are. Sisters. We always said we would take an epic trip together for our 40th birthdays, but when I was diagnosed with a terminal disorder, this trip became an expression of gratitude as much as it was a celebration of life. Which is why, unbeknownst to my dear sisters, I sat in the backseat with tears slipping down my face even as I giggled with them.
For a number of reasons, it seemed that God’s favor had been upon us this trip. He made it exceedingly clear that our time together was meant to be a blessing for each of us. We would return to our respective worlds refreshed and renewed, full with the gifts of godly friendship. Because the real blessing was not found in our getaway, but in the fact that we shared it with each other.
Once we were home, I struggled to find the prayer and the words that might thoroughly articulate how thankful I was for both of them and for the memories made during our trip. For the time being, my heart simply wanted to ponder our time together.

I recalled Mary’s heart after she became mother to the Savior of the world. When face to face with the greatest blessing this earth would ever know, her response was to ponder what she had seen and treasure all of it in her heart. I wondered if God had gifted her the time to savor the blessing of Christ so that she might be strengthened when the time came for Him to be crucified.
Only God knows what the future holds, but a future on this broken earth will undoubtedly hold heartbreak. We won’t always walk through days that feel full of blessing, but we can remember them on days that feel full of pain. God’s blessings are meant to be treasured.
Gifts from the Savior are meant to be savored.
Heather M Dixon
If we take the time to ponder them now, maybe we’ll be able to fully recognize how deeply our Father truly cares for us. Friends and family and laughter and love, may we acknowledge them exactly as what they are: blessings given to us from God.
And In case you haven’t heard this lately: you are a blessing to me. I am so thankful you are here.
I’m rooting for you, always.