Six years ago, I was lying in an operating waiting room, wondering when my surgery was going to begin.
It should have started hours before, but it was delayed for an unknown reason.
This particular procedure was the completion of another surgery from three days prior. For someone with a connective tissue disorder like me, the problem required two procedures because my insides are rather fragile. And so, I had waited the three days necessary between the two surgeries and returned to the hospital that morning so my surgeon could finish what she had started and repair my ruptured carotid artery.
Because it was pre-surgery, I wasn’t allowed anything on my stomach, including pain medicines. As the pressure behind my eye surged, I grew unbearably uncomfortable as I waited through the delay. A flustered nurse walked in, announcing that among all the patients in the hospital’s extensive record system, my digital record had mysteriously disappeared. This glitch had never happened before, she could not explain it, and did not know how to remedy it.
The surgical team would not proceed without a working digital record, so my husband and I were left to wait a little longer.
Have you ever been in a dilemma where there was not an earthly resolution? For reasons that we cannot understand or explain, some problems we are up against just will not be solved by human action. In every situation, and especially those kinds of situations, we’ve got to take our earthly action to the heavenly realm. Human problems need divine intervention.
I leaned toward my husband and whispered, “God needs His people to pray.”

He nodded and walked to the family waiting room, where he asked his sister to spread the word that we needed immediate prayer to recover my digital record.
I was in surgery within the hour of that prayer request. My medical team was baffled and to this day we don’t have an answer as to where my digital record went or how it reappeared, but the problem was fixed as soon as God’s people started praying.
I learned later that at the mention of our prayer request, family and friends walked around the hospital praying for me and my medical team. They were not unlike Joshua circling the city of Jericho, asking God to fix an unfixable problem.
Prayer is powerful. Prayer fixes our earthly problems.
If you are facing something today that holds no foreseeable resolution, would you allow God to stretch your prayer habit? Pour out your heart to Him. God hears and responds to His children. He is faithful to see His will accomplished on this earth and He will not fail you today. I’m rooting for you, always.
Much love,

I need help to follow God, I need Jesus please help me. I know that God is real I. Where can I do today right now. I need to that Jesus is with me. I have had Blessings but I need understanding. Help me focus on Jesus.
We are praying for you and your journey with Jesus! Hugs!!