But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him.
Jeremiah 18:4
Have you ever watched a potter at work?
With skilled hands, the potter takes a lump of clay and begins to shape it on the wheel. As the wheel spins, the potter applies pressure, molding the clay into a vessel. But sometimes, despite the potter’s careful touch, the clay becomes marred, losing its intended form.
In Jeremiah 18, we catch a glimpse of God as the divine potter. He is shaping His people, the Israelites, just as the potter molds the clay. However, in this particular instance, the potter encounters a flaw in the clay. Yet, instead of discarding it and starting anew, the potter does something remarkable. He reshapes the marred clay into another pot, according to His perfect wisdom and design.
This imagery reminds us that God does not abandon what is flawed. In His infinite grace and love, He takes our brokenness, our mistakes, and our imperfections, and He shapes us into something new, with purpose. He doesn’t give up on us when we fall short or when our lives become marred by sin and brokenness. Instead, He invites us into a transformative journey that only He can orchestrate.
Just as the potter works patiently to mold the clay, God works patiently in our lives. He takes the time to reshape us, to heal our wounds, and to bring beauty out of our brokenness. He sees our potential and knows the purpose He has for us. God is a compassionate and skilled Potter, forming us into vessels that reflect His glory.
As we reflect on the potter and clay imagery in Jeremiah 18:4, let us remember that God is always at work in our lives, shaping us according to His divine plan. May we find comfort in the fact that our flaws do not deter Him. Instead, He embraces us with His love and molds us into vessels that bring glory to His name.
May this truth inspire us to trust Him more deeply and surrender ourselves fully into His loving hands. Let us allow God to reshape us and use us for His glory, knowing that He is a good and faithful Potter who brings beauty out of brokenness.
Have you experienced a season where God reshaped you into something new? I would love to hear about it. Or are you currently in a season of reshaping and you simply need prayer this week? My team would love to life you up. Comment below and let me know.
I am rooting for you, always.

Pivot points-that’s what I call my times of being molded into a different vessel.
Living in sin, divorce, straying from The Way of Christ, God giving a new husband, dads death, mothers dementia, unexpected death of niece-pivot points. The situations and circumstances never changed Gods love and divine purpose but these pivot points have ALWAYS brought me to Him- every. Single. Time.
He most definitely does not abandon the flawed!
Thanks so much for sharing your Pivot points with us, Tracie! Love your perspective. Hugs!!