Living Letters

For the Woman Who Struggles in the Morning

July 20, 2024

I’m not gonna lie—mornings have been hard for me lately.

I don’t know if it’s due to the looming anxiety I always feel first thing in the morning or the heaviness I’ve battled lately with recent health challenges..or something else altogether (hormones, I’m looking at you). But lately, the first few hours of the day have been the hardest part of my day.

I long for the day when I wake up with fresh anticipation and hope for the coming day. But for now, I’m learning to trust God in the darkness and walk with Him anyway into the day.  

When I am walking through a challenging season, I know that routine matters. Consistency matters. Reducing decision fatigue matters. Being kind to myself matters.

So here’s what I’m doing to make mornings easier. I commit to the same, simple, pattern everyday:

  • Make my bed.
  • Brush my teeth.
  • Take my vitamins.
  • Start the coffee machine.
  • Change into comfy workout clothes.
  • Pop in my earbuds and start my worship playlist (spotify link below!).
  • Take my dog for a walk.
  • Feed her, feed me.
  • Read the Bible alongside our No Dusty Bibles podcast.
  • Pray.
  • Shower and get ready and enter the day.

As I am typing this out, it feels silly even sharing a routine that many would call mundane. But this simple daily pattern is helping me shake off the morning blues and walk into the day with confidence and peace. 

So today I’m sharing a curated worship playlist that I use every morning that helps shift my perspective. It reminds me of God’s goodness, of His plan for my life, of His faithfulness, and of His compassion toward me. It’s about one hour of my favorite worship songs right now – just long enough to get me through my morning. If you’re on spotify, you can follow it and listen to it with me every morning. If you’re not on spotify, I’ve included the playlist below so you can recreate it wherever you listen to music. 

I’ll be walking to this playlist tomorrow morning. Join me?  

P.S. – I’d love to know…what songs would you add to this playlist? Comment below and let me know.

I’m rooting for you, always.


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