Called & Equipped

Embracing Your Calling: 6 Practical Steps to Discover God’s Purpose

September 21, 2024

Have you ever felt the nudge, that deep sense that you were made for something more? If you’ve wondered what it looks like to truly step into the purpose God has for you, you’re not alone. Many women, especially those passionate about their faith, often find themselves seeking clarity when it comes to their calling. The truth is, every believer has a calling—a specific and unique assignment crafted by God to advance His kingdom.

As Ephesians 2:10 reminds us, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” You are not here by accident; you were designed by God for a divine purpose. But how do we recognize this calling? And more importantly, how do we embrace it fully?

Today I want to share with you a few practical steps you can take to discern and embrace God’s purpose for your life.

1. Start with Prayer: Seek His Guidance

The first and most essential step in discerning your calling is to go directly to the One who created you. Prayer is our lifeline to God, the means through which we seek His heart and His plans for our lives. If you’re uncertain about your calling, spend intentional time in prayer, asking God to reveal His purpose to you.

In your prayers, ask for clarity, for courage to step out in faith, and for a heart that’s willing to obey—even if the path ahead seems unclear. James 1:5 offers encouragement, reminding us that God gives wisdom to those who ask for it. As you pray, trust that God will guide your steps and place the desires on your heart that align with His will.

2. Reflect on Your Gifts and Passions

What comes naturally to you? What do you love to do? One of the best ways to discern your calling is to reflect on the God-given gifts and passions He has already placed within you. Are you a natural encourager? Do you find joy in teaching, serving, or writing? These passions are often indicators of how God intends to use you for His glory.

God doesn’t waste the talents and interests He’s given us. As you consider what brings you joy and where you excel, you may start to see patterns that point toward your calling. Don’t overlook what seems ordinary—those small things could be the very areas where God is calling you to make a big impact.

3. Pay Attention to Opportunities

Have you noticed that certain opportunities keep presenting themselves? Perhaps you’ve been asked to speak at events, lead a small group, or help coordinate a ministry. Sometimes, God speaks to us through the doors He opens—or even the ones He closes.

Don’t be afraid to step through those open doors, even if you feel unqualified. The truth is, God often calls the unqualified and equips them as they go. Consider Moses, who didn’t feel ready to lead the Israelites, or Jeremiah, who protested that he was too young to speak on God’s behalf. When God calls, He provides everything we need for the journey.

4. Seek Wise Counsel

Proverbs 11:14 says, “Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.” Surround yourself with godly mentors, friends, and leaders who can offer insight into your calling. These people can often see gifts in us that we might overlook, and they can provide wisdom and guidance as you figure out your next steps.

Be open to feedback and encouragement from others. Sometimes, God speaks through the trusted voices in our lives to confirm what He’s already placed in our hearts.

5. Take a Step of Faith

After you’ve prayed, reflected on your gifts, paid attention to opportunities, and sought wise counsel, there’s only one thing left to do: take a step of faith. You don’t have to have everything figured out before you move forward. Often, God calls us to step out in faith without knowing the full picture. But it’s in those steps of obedience that He reveals more of His plan for us.

Remember, your calling doesn’t have to be grand in the world’s eyes. Ministry can look like leading your family well, encouraging a friend, or faithfully serving in your local church. Wherever God has placed you, be faithful with what’s in front of you, and He will continue to guide your path.

6. Embrace Growth and Patience

Lastly, remember that your calling is a journey, not a destination. As you walk in obedience to God’s call, be patient with the process. There will be seasons of growth, waiting, and even challenges. But each step you take brings you closer to the purpose God has prepared for you.

Philippians 1:6 encourages us with this truth: “And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” Trust that God is faithfully working in you, even when the path seems unclear.

Step Into Your Calling Today

Heather God has uniquely designed you for a purpose, and there is a specific work He has prepared for you to accomplish. If you’re in a season of seeking and discerning, take heart—God is faithful to guide you. Start with prayer, reflect on your gifts, seek wise counsel, and take a step of faith.

Your ministry calling is not about perfection or having all the answers. It’s about obedience, faith, and a willingness to be used by God for His glory. Embrace your calling today, and trust that as you do, God will equip and empower you for the journey ahead.

I’m rooting for you, always.

Much love,


P.S. If this message resonated with you and you’re ready to take the next step in embracing your ministry calling, I’d love to support you on that journey. My Called & Equipped Coaching services are designed to help you gain clarity, confidence, and practical tools to pursue your calling with excellence. Whether you’re a women’s ministry leader, writer, speaker, or aspiring Christian communicator, there’s a path just for you.

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  • The Purpose-Driven Life: What on Earth am I Here For? by Rick Warren. Discover what it means to live a life of purpose and fulfillment. This bestselling book by Rick Warren will guide you through practical steps to understand God’s purpose for your life, equipping you to live intentionally and embrace your unique calling.
  • You Are the Girl for the Job: Daring to Believe the God Who Calls You by Jess Connolly. Jess Connolly’s inspiring book will challenge you to embrace the truth that God has uniquely equipped you for your calling. With personal stories and biblical insights, Jess motivates women to walk boldly in their purpose, even when they feel unqualified.
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