Thank you for your interest in the Renewed study launch team. The application process is now closed. Read on below for other ways to support the Renewed study and stay tuned for the official release on September 1!
Other Ways to Support Renewed
Pre-order the Renewed study from Amazon here. You won’t be charged until the study releases on September 1 AND you’ll get it at the lowest price offered between the time you place your order and the end of the day on release day. This helps tell the big dogs at Amazon that Bible studies are important to their customers.
Do you have a product you’d like to offer as a freebie giveaway for my launch team members? (books, Bible studies, scripture cards, jewelry,
I am thrilled to invite you to be a part of the launch team for the official release of Renewed: Finding Hope When You Don’t Like Your Story! This four-week Bible study on Ruth is written for the woman carrying a difficult and life-altering story, for the woman who is not just walking through a season of hardship, but who has experienced a story that they did not choose and cannot change, and for the woman who yearns to trust God’s sovereignty and His plan for her life.
In Renewed, you will glean wisdom from Naomi’s perspective, a woman who lived a story she didn’t choose or like. Forced to chart a new path as she mourned the loss of her husband and two sons, Naomi learned that the journey from bitterness to renewed hope and joy was rooted in God’s promise of redemption.
What is a book launch team?
A launch team is a special group of cheerleaders who believe in the message of the Renewed Study and are willing to help promote it within their communities. My job is to feed you with information, content, and graphics that will help you spread the word. Your job is to share what I’ve given you with everyone you can! I promise we will have fun + there will be goodies and we’ll keep it stress-free.
Do you have to be a blogger, author, or speaker to be on a launch team? NOPE. You just have to love books, be willing to talk about them, and in this case, love God’s Word.
Wait, did you say goodies?
Yes! Every launch team member will receive a PDF copy of the Renewed Participant workbook + a few other goodies in

Okay. The details.
What is your role?
As a launch team member, you’ll be asked to:
- Be an active member of the launch team from August 17 – September 11.
- Participate in the private launch team Facebook group where Heather will personally teach the Renewed study with you, in addition to bonus content not available elsewhere.
- Give an honest review of the study on Amazon.
- Share the study with women’s ministry leaders and Bible study leaders that you know.
- Occasionally promote the Renewed Study on social media.
- Invite as many people as you can to the online study in October.
- Share about the study on your blog or website (optional).
What do you get as a launch team member?
- A PDF copy of the Renewed Study participant workbook.
- Access to the private launch team Facebook group.
- Surprise goodies!
- A behind-the-scenes look at marketing a book.
- If you’d like to join us for the online study in October, you’ll get access to my private Facebook group, a community of like-minded women committed to reading and studying God’s Word together.
- My undying gratitude:) Seriously. You rock.
YOUR involvement is key in helping me share God’s promise of renewed joy with others! I believe in the power of God’s Word to change people’s lives and I am thankful for your interest in getting this study in the hands of those who need it.
You can find more information about the study here, but feel free to contact me with any questions. The application process is now closed.